Sunday, September 20, 2020

How to install Node.js in Windows Error Free

 How to Install Node.js Packages in Windows without any error 

In the angular project, we start to Learn or making Project in our computer first of all we need to install node.js to run the project. it's very necessary compiler files and support node module which is helping to make a new project with an angular project.

First, we go to the official node.js site to download the packages of node.js which is available for all types of windows os like mac, windows, Linux chooses you suitable version and packages like zip, tar, installer .msi one from the site download section or just click on download link given in this section.  

after download, the file goto file and double click to execute the installer MSI click on next to further process. The Popup dialog box showed the path where the program store after that click on the next button to proceed further action. only one thing you are aware of the Chocolatey packages. do not check the install chocolatey packages and click next until the process is not completed. After finish, the job goto run and type cmd command to run cmd and install npm 

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